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Evening Gown Options To Keep The Shivers Away

Trendy Evening Gown 2011
If you’re shopping for an evening gown, you may be so caught up in the elegance of the dresses you see that the idea of warmth flies out the window. The best formal gowns or pageant dresses however are the ones that make you not only look great, but feel comfortable, too. It’s hard to feel comfortable when you’re shivering your way through a dazzling event!

Trendy Evening Gown 2011
There are three easy solutions that can help you avoid the evening gown shivers. The simplest is to choose a long sleeved evening gown. Today dress designers and manufacturers offer plenty of gorgeous and sophisticated long sleeved formal gowns. If you’re having difficulties finding one, check brands that typically offer a large and varied selection. Sherri Hill dresses are available in long sleeved styles, as are Jovani dresses and gowns.
Trendy Evening Gown 2011
Evening gowns that come with a matching jacket are another choice if you want to stay warm while you look stunning at a special event. Once again, manufacturers that typically offer a big selection will have plenty of gowns with jackets to consider.
Trendy Evening Gown 2011
Formal dresses that feature opera style gloves present a fun and elegant way to keep the shivers away. Keep in mind however that some gowns that feature gloves have low cut backs or fronts that leave a lot of skin exposed. If you shop Sherri Hill dresses, you’ll find styles that feature not only gloves, but limited exposure elsewhere, too.
Trendy Evening Gown 2011
You can always add gloves to your formal evening gown yourself to stay warm, but do so with care. Choose an appropriate color and a material that matches your gown. You’ll also need to select the right length of gloves. A basic rule to follow is, the shorter the dress sleeve, the longer the glove. Dresses with cap sleeves should be accompanied by 19-inch gloves, while for three-quarter length sleeves, 15-inch gloves are appropriate. If your dress is long-sleeved, you should wear wrist-length gloves.
Trendy Evening Gown 2011
If you opt to add gloves to your gown for warmth, be sure to wear them appropriately! Etiquette experts usually suggest that if the event features a receiving line, you should remove the glove on your right hand to shake hands. Always remove gloves while eating or drinking and upon sitting down to dine.
Trendy Evening Gown 2011
Evening gown options that keep the shivers away will make your event more enjoyable. Long sleeved Sherri Hill dresses, dresses that include a matching jacket and gown gloves are terrific ways to look your best and feel comfortable at the same time.  By: Summery Lynn

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