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Lingerie in Bondage

Trendy Lingerie in Bondage 2010/2011
Variety is the spice of life - or so they say. However, experimentation is certainly the device that keeps the spice in the bedroom. We all know this. But putting it into practise after many years of, well, the same old practised, successful manoeuvres, is a little more daunting.

Early on in a relationship it's easy to introduce the new, as you're just learning about what makes the other person tick. Yet after a few years of predictable and (hopefully) efficient liaisons, it's possibly time to develop a newfound confidence. One thing to take into consideration when planning your next move is the common preconception that bondage is one-sided; it appeals to both sexes. Once you feel completely at ease with that fact (and, of course, your partner) why not exude a sense of dominance with as much bondage as you're comfortable with - whether that be enactment or just your choice of lingerie?
Trendy Lingerie in Bondage 2010/2011
Paddles, masks and leather accessories
The first thing you think about when it comes to bondage is a dominatrix. And whether you think this is a positive or negative connotation, perhaps a little bit (if you're a bit nervous) never did anyone any harm. Start small and work up - if you dare. Leather and suede are luxurious materials to choose when deciding on accessories; plus they feel wonderful against the skin.

Ties, bindings and restraint
Have some serious fun picking some outfits: there are some amazing body-clinching elastic pieces or in rubber if you can stand the heat. Consider the aesthetic aspect of what you're proposing; provocative lingerie which is designed to make the observer unable to control their desire is an absolute must. With this power you can then introduce leather cuffs or satin elastic ribbon to bind your man into any position you both fancy. Look into buckles, belts, stockings and lacing for your clothing - accentuate your derriere or bust and synch in that waist.
Trendy Lingerie in Bondage 2010/2011
Thrilling pain - sensory overload
It doesn't have to make you cry, just a tingle or sting; we've all heard the phrase 'slap and tickle' let's put it into practise. Unapologetic sexuality by covering quite a lot of your body in lingerie which incorporates leather, latex or whatever fabric feels sensual to you, can add to the evening in several ways. Firstly, you'll look incredible, secondly, a little bit of 'slap' will sound even better against the outfit and thirdly, it'll feel fantastic. Also, latex is probably the most figure-smoothing, flattering, fun material you can own in your lingerie wardrobe. And yes, you will have a full, erotic, provocative collection of lingerie once you start being a little bit more adventurous.  Imogen Croft

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